David Katz
- DOB:
February 20, 1963
- Country:
United States
- Resides:
Hamden, Connecticut
- Hometown:
Los Angeles, CA
- Known For:
American Physician
- Spouse/Partner:
Catherine Katz
- Religion:
- Education:
Dartmouth College
Table of Contents
About David Katz
David L. Katz was born on February 20, 1963, in Los Angeles, California.[3] His father was an internist and cardiologist. He explained why he wanted to become a doctor when he said, “I revere medicine. I was raised with the Calvinist principles that you work hard and contribute something. I wanted to do something that mattered.”[4]
Katz studied French at Dartmouth College, earning his bachelor’s degree in 1984.[5] He then moved to New York to attend Albert Einstein College of Medicine, earning his MD in 1988. After medical school, Katz completed two residency programs, the first in internal medicine and the second in preventive medicine and public health. While in his second residency, he also completed a Master’s of Public Health at Yale University.[2]
Katz met his future wife, Catherine, while at Yale. Catherine was a neuroscience post-doc born in Africa and raised in France.[6] Katz says, “Catherine loved food in a different way than I did. I was committed to nutrition and was willing to eat tree bark and gravel if it had nutritional value, but Catherine was a foodie.”[4]
After their marriage, the Katzs combined their love of nutrition and food to collaborate on several books. They now have five children together, Rebecca, Corinda, Valerie, Natalia, and Gabriel.[4]
In 2015, Katz faced criticism when he used his platform as a columnist at The Huffington Post to praise a science-fiction book he had written under a pseudonym. He said the book had “lyrically beautiful writing” but did not disclose he was the book’s author until the following year.[7]
Throughout David Katz’s career, he has been involved in many projects at once. Early in his career, Katz took a position as the Director of Medical Studies in Public Health at Yale School of Medicine. He remained there until 2005.[5]
While at Yale, Katz founded the Yale-Griffin Prevention Research Center in 1998, which studies nutrition, social determinants of health, and prevention of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease.[8] Katz was the director of the research center until 2019.[5] As director, he secured and managed roughly $40 million in research funding.[9] The Yale-Griffin research center was co-housed at nearby Griffin Hospital, where Katz worked as Director of Integrative Medicine from 2000 to 2015.[5]
From 2008 to 2015, Katz worked as the chief science officer at the nutrition company NuVal. From 2014 to 2016, Katz was president of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine.[5]
Katz has also founded several other health and medicine organizations, Including True Health Initiative, Diet ID, National Exchange for Weight Loss Resistance, and Turn the Tide Foundation. He has also been an advisor to Sunbasket, Better+, Fitbit, Mercy Virtual, Verywell.com, Wisewear, KIND, and Mindstream Academy.[5]
Throughout his career, Katz has published over 400 papers in scientific journals. His areas of research include nutrition, lifestyle medicine, and disease prevention.[1] He’s also overseen dozens of community and clinical trials.[9]
From 2011 to 2015, Katz served as the editor-in-chief of the Childhood Obesity Journal. He has worked as a medical journalist, contributor, and columnist for several news publications, including ABC News, O Magazine, The Huffington Post, Forbes, US News and World Report, and The New York Times.[5]
Katz has authored or co-authored nineteen books, including textbooks Jekel’s Epidemiology, Biostatistics, Preventive Medicine, and Public Health and Nutrition in Clinical Practice.[5] His other books include How To Eat, Flavor Full Diet, The Truth About Food, and Disease-Proof.[10]
Katz has been recognized for his work several times by many different organizations. He has three honorary doctorates and was named to Greatist.com’s list of “100 Most Influential People in Health Fitness” in 2012, 2013, 2014, and 2015.[5]
In 2011, Katz was the recipient of the Katharine Boucot Sturgis Award from the American College of Preventive Medicine, which honors significant contributions to the field of preventive medicine.[11] In the same year, he received the Lenna Frances Cooper Award from the American Dietetic Association for contributions to the field of nutrition. The following year, Katz was inducted into the Marketing Disease Prevention and Awareness Hall of Fame.[12]
In 2019, Katz was nominated for the James Beard Foundation Award for Health Journalism,[13] and in 2023, he received a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Doctors’ World Gala.[14]
David Katz Today
Katz continues to publish research on nutrition and diet. His papers published in 2023 include “How Digitial Tools Can Help Scale Diet Quality Improvement In Home-Based Cardiac Rehab”[15] and “Rapid, Digital Dietary Assessment in Association with Cardiometabolic Biomarkers.”[16]As one of LinkedIn’s “Top Voices,” Katz regularly shares nutrition content with his 900,000 followers. He also shares his expertise at speaking events. Katz lives with his wife in Hamden, Connecticut.[5]
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- David L. Katz, MD, MPH – chief executive officer – linkedin. (n.d.). Retrieved April 7, 2023, from https://www.linkedin.com/in/david-l-katz-md-mph-4798667
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