There have been many changes in Americans’ priorities, but one remains at the top—strengthening the American economy.
Key Details
- Strengthening the U.S. economy is at the top of the list of the American public’s priorities—with 75% of people saying it should be addressed by the president and Congress this year, according to a study conducted by Pew Research of 5,152 U.S. adults.
- Other policy priorities include reducing health care costs and defending against terrorism, which 60% of the public think should be discussed.
- Dealing with a coronavirus outbreak was once a top leader in policy discussions but has now fallen to the bottom of the list, with only 26% of people thinking it needs to be discussed.
Why it’s news
Over the years, there have been numerous changes to what the American public thinks needs are concerns that need to be addressed by the president and Congress, but the top concern remains the same as it did last year—strengthening the American economy.
Strengthening the U.S. economy is at the top of the list for the American public’s top policy priorities, with 75% of people saying it needs to be addressed this year. Typically the top priority shifts yearly, but last year’s concern has flooded into this year with people thinking the economy needs help.
The public remains concerned about the economic outlook of the country despite continued job growth and inflation beginning to cool down.
The coronavirus outbreak was a top concern in both 2021 and 2022 following the pandemic in 2020, but now the concern has dropped dramatically, falling to the bottom of the list, with only 26% of people thinking it needs to be addressed.
Other top priorities include reducing health care costs (60%), defending against terrorism (60%), reducing the influence of money in politics (59%), making Medicare financially sound (58%), reducing the budget deficit (57%), reducing crime (57%), and improving education (57%).