A new book from experienced entrepreneur Nick Sonnenberg offers a solution for improving time management and stress relief.
The Problem
It is very easy to fall into a rhythm where all a person does is work—with no time for spending time with others, enjoying hobbies, or getting enough time to rest and reflect.
What is the best way out when we’re “drowning in work” and need more time, especially in a “hustle culture” that demands so much from us?
In his new book Come Up for Air: How Teams Can Leverage Systems and Tools To Stop Drowning In Work, entrepreneur Nick Sonnenberg offers a blueprint for time management tips that he claims will allow you to free up a whole day every week, reduce stress, increase productivity, shorten meetings, and improve morale and company culture.
Possible Solution
As the book claims, the most significant problem plaguing workers is not a lack of time or heavy expectations but redundancies—unnecessary and extra work that slows down projects and meetings.
“In Come Up For Air, you’ll discover the CPR Business Efficiency Framework, a proven system for leaders, managers, and teams to maximize their performance and reduce overwhelm by using the right tools in the right way, at the right time. The end result? More output, less stress, happier employees, and the potential to gain an extra full day per week in productivity to use however you’d like,” says the publisher.
Come Up For Air: How Teams Can Leverage Systems and Tools To Stop Drowning In Work was published on February 7, 2023, by HarperCollins Leadership.
“What’s the best way to make meetings more productive? While agendas are helpful, they are not a replacement for meeting preparation or “pre-work.” Pre-work is an important factor in running efficient meetings, one that few teams consider. The majority of meetings require some amount of work and preparation in advance. This could be as simple as reviewing a scorecard to update yourself on some metrics or as in-depth as creating a presentation,” see the full excerpt at Inc.