Stefan James
- DOB:
May 3, 1986
- Country:
United States
- Resides:
- Hometown:
Vancouver, Canada
- Known For:
Founder of Project Life Mastery
- Spouse/Partner:
Tatiana James
About Stefan James
Stefan James was born on May 3, 1986, in Canada.[3] James has spoken about his life before Project Life Mastery, mentioning a period of struggle and a deep-seated desire in his teens to make a change. He has shared that he battled low self-esteem and a lack of direction in his youth. During this time, he began investing in self-help books, personal development seminars, and coaching which sparked his interest in self-improvement and entrepreneurship. By age 17, he knew he wanted to work in the writing and coaching industries.[1]
James started his professional journey by dabbling in various online business ventures. One of his earliest and most successful endeavors was in the field of affiliate marketing, where he promoted products or services of other companies and earned a commission from each sale made through his referral. This venture taught him the ropes of online marketing and how to generate passive income from anywhere.[1]
Today, James is best known for his online courses and coaching programs focused on topics including affiliate marketing, online business, and personal development. These are primarily available through his Project Life Mastery platform, which provides a range of inspirational materials. In James’s words, “a person’s psychology and mindset is a critical yet overlooked component for one to achieve his or her fullest potential in life and business,” therefore much of the content that James produces focuses on psychology-related topics.[2]
Project Life Mastery and Publishing
James writes a popular blog at StefanJames.com and is also the author of the book 67 Morning Ritual Habits for Your Body, Mind and Spirit. Additionally, he has had success promoting and releasing ebooks by other authors via Kindle publishing.[2]
James also created an online course called “K Money Mastery” to teach others how to succeed in Kindle publishing. This course was one of the earliest offerings of Project Life Mastery and helped establish his reputation as a credible online business coach.[4]
James officially launched Project Life Mastery in 2012, an online self-development platform that aims to inspire and equip individuals with the necessary tools to master various aspects of their lives, leading to personal happiness. Project Life Mastery is committed to helping people “master every area of their lives through self-development, including health, fitness, emotions, mindset, relationships, financial freedom, passive income, starting an online business, and spirituality.”[1]
Through Project Life Mastery, Stefan has expanded his offerings to include a range of courses, coaching programs, and informational content focusing on entrepreneurship, personal development, and life mastery. The platform has gained widespread recognition and is known for its high-quality, comprehensive resources.[1] [2]
Using his own strategies, James has said that he was able to become “financially free and earn a 6-figure passive income by the time I was 24 years old.” He adds, “By the time I was 27 years old, I had become an internet millionaire and today am a multi-millionaire, owning several online businesses.”[1]
Podcast and Speaking Engagements
James is the creator and host of the Project Life Mastery podcast, where he shares strategies and techniques for mastering every area of life. The podcast covers a wide range of topics including passive income, online entrepreneurship, health and fitness, motivation, self-development, and more.[5] James often hosts experts from various fields, creating stimulating conversations that inspire and educate his listeners. James also has a popular Project Life Mastery YouTube channel, which covers similar topics and has over 1.2 million subscribers.[6]
His goal with the podcast and YouTube channel, much like with the rest of his Project Life Mastery platform, is to provide people with the inspiration, tools, and resources they need to live healthier, more fulfilling lives. From increasing productivity to improving mental health, James uses the podcast as a platform to help his listeners achieve their personal and professional goals.[1]
In addition to his podcast, James is a speaker at various conferences, including on topics such as:[2]
- “How to Build a Brand and Authority Online”
- “How to Achieve Your Fullest Human Potential”
- “How to Create Goals and Actually Achieve Them”
Morning Rituals and Other Advice
James is the author of the book 67 Morning Ritual Habits for Your Body, Mind and Spirit.[7]
James places great emphasis on the power of rituals, especially morning rituals, as a means to kickstart the day with positivity, focus, and productivity. He has shared his personal morning routine several times through his online platforms, emphasizing the importance of creating a routine that suits individual needs and goals. His morning ritual typically includes:[7] [8]
- Gratitude: James starts his day by expressing gratitude. He believes that it’s important to appreciate what you already have in life, as this sets a positive tone for the rest of the day.
- Affirmations: After gratitude, he uses affirmations to condition his mindset and to reinforce his beliefs and goals.
- Visualization: He spends time visualizing his goals as if they’ve already been achieved. He believes visualization is a powerful tool that can enhance motivation and belief in one’s goals.
- Reading: James believes in continuous learning and personal development. He includes reading as a part of his morning routine to gain knowledge and inspiration.
- Journaling: Writing in a journal is another aspect of his morning ritual. Journaling helps him reflect on his thoughts and goals, keeping him aligned with his overall life vision.
- Exercise: Physical health is an important component of James’s life mastery philosophy. He includes exercise in his morning routine to energize himself for the day and maintain his health.
- Healthy breakfast: He believes in the importance of nutrition for maintaining energy and focus throughout the day. He usually has a healthy breakfast after his exercise routine.
Additionally, James believes in the power of giving back and donating. He considers himself a philanthropist and is involved in several volunteer initiatives for building homes and schools for those who are less fortunate.[2]
Leaders Media has established sourcing guidelines that rely on credible, expert-level, and primary sources for articles about people and companies. Articles are frequently edited by staff writers. Learn more about our mission, editorial ethics, and how we source references in our editorial policy.
- Stefan James. About. https://stefanjames.com/about/
- Project Life Mastery. About. https://projectlifemastery.com/about/
- Stefan James. Blog. https://stefanjames.com/blog/
- Project Life Mastery. Podcast. https://projectlifemastery.com/podcast/
- Project Life Mastery. Youtube. https://www.youtube.com/ProjectLifeMastery
- K Money Mastery 2.0. Project Life Mastery. https://projectlifemastery.com/k-money-mastery-2-making-money-online-kindle-publishing/
- 67 Morning Ritual Habits For Your Body, Mind And Spirit. Amazon. https://www.amazon.com/Morning-Ritual-Habits-Your-Spirit/dp/109019692X/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=Stefan+James&qid=1684948683&s=books&sr=1-1
- MY MORNING RITUAL TO INCREASE PRODUCTIVITY, ENERGY AND SUCCESS. Project Life Mastery. https://projectlifemastery.com/my-new-morning-ritual-how-to-be-even-more-productive-happy-and-healthy-everyday/
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