Colin Baker

Colin Baker is a business writer for Leaders Media. He has a background in as a television journalism, working as news producer for WAOW (ABC) in Wausau, WI and ABC4 in Salt Lake City, UT. Colin then moved into business writing, writing copy for companies like Dell, Capital One, Thrive Market, and ClickFunnels. Colin has been with Leaders since June 2021.

Leaders Editorial Guidelines

Leaders Media is redefining what it means to lead, and our writers carry that mission with their words. Our editorial team is dedicated to delivering unbiased and compelling news, education, and analysis. Our writers lead the charge in delivering the business-media world with a much-needed dose of integrity, wisdom, and hope. All of our writers are vetted based on their experience, qualifications, and ethics. Each staff writer has committed to following our Editorial Policy.

Personal Growth
by Colin Baker Leaders Staff
collaboration skills

Learn how to work with others and make an impact

by Colin Baker Leaders Staff
conflict management

Ignore these mitigation tactics at your own risk

by Colin Baker Leaders Staff
intrinsic motivation

Spark your own flame and share it with others

by Colin Baker Leaders Staff
active listening

Refine your listening and build a stronger culture

by Colin Baker Leaders Staff